
Friday, August 27, 2010


So yesterday AUGUST 27 was my little sisters birthday. Its so weird to think that she's actually sixteen years old now. I remember when she was way younger, probably 5 years old and we first moved to the U.S. She was the most annoying thing ever!!! Always following me around, getting in the way and generally just being the baby of the house. Since i can remember we've always shared a room and even though we both had our sides i swear my sister was always either on my bed or in my stuff. It was so constant that even my parents noticed it....and you know if parents notice something like that then it must have happened all the time. After a while i got used to it. I even came to expect seeing her on my bed, using my stuff. Lets not even get into the clothes and sharing. At first, when she was younger all she cared about was me helping her chose outfits for school but gradually i started noticing her wearing my stuff......without asking me first!!!! i would just see it on her when she got back from school. Drove me crazy!!!!!!! But she was my little sister so i got used to that too. Then we moved and got our own rooms. You would think that would stop her but no. She was still always in my room. Now she comes into my room at all hours to take stuff or to wake me up always before seven, to help her pick accessories for school (I've totally forgotten that high school starts so early!!) At this point, it didn't even matter anymore. If she wasn't in my room then i was worried. lol

Now I'm in northeastern and i don't have to deal with her in my room all the time. (Although i do know that she still goes in my room at home because she takes pictures in there and posts it on facebook.. BUSTED!!!!!). I kind of miss it. I didn't realize how much i actually looked forward to coming home and listening to her tell me about her day at school and all the crazy things that happened to her. Nor did i realize how much i liked helping her with last minute assignment or projects that were due the next day. Granted when it was actually happening i wanted to pull my hair out because she wouldn't let me sleep until i helped her. lol. But if i had to go back I'd do it all again the same way. In fact i still do it because now she just calls me or texts me to help her with homework assignments and projects. And lets not forget emailing me essays to proof read.

I can look back now and see that i never minded doing all these things for her or tolerating her because its what you do as a big sister. Its one of the most important roles in my life. I know i sometimes complain of all the things i have to sacrifice as a big sister or all the things she gets away with because she's the baby but i wouldn't trade my role for anything. I love knowing that she looks up to me as her role the type of person she wants to be when she grows up.That knowledge makes me feel like i can do anything in the world and she'll be behind me.. There's no one who's my biggest supporter than my sis. No one who pushes me to be the best i can like she does. Further more there's no one who understands me like my little sis. No one who i have that unspoken language with in which we can be across the room and still be communicating with each other. Most of the time i don’t think of her as my little sis i think of her as my best friend in fact because i know i can come to her as myself and there will never be any judgment because she loves just the way i am.

Now she's no longer that little sister i know that used to pester me everytime..when we shared a room and now when we don't....she's actually taller than me and looks older. lol. She's a young woman or should i say she's a woman becoming her own person...someone who i sometimes think is stronger than me in some ways. Every time i come home and hang out with her i see how much she's grown and i also learn a little sometime from her that inspires me to better myself. My sister goes through life full on, never hesitating because of other people's opinion or judgment. She's just herself and she makes no apologies for it. And i admire her in that way. I mean right now her slogan in life is Don't hate me because I'm black. Lol......this might sound weird but if you lived in New Hampshire you'd understand.

So, Happy Birthday to: My best friend, Partner in crime, The ying to my yang, My twin, The crazy black girl, The baby of the house, My little sis. May God grant you many more years of celebrating and may each year bring with it, innumerable joy, happiness, laughter, love and memories.

love oyin

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The FIRST Step.......

Hello World,

So I've never actually been the type to write about emotions or my feelings about things. I've never had a diary that i hid under my pillow or wrote my deepest feelings or secrets in. I preferred to keep my feelings and emotions inside and only take them out when necessary....kinda like a secret. Secrets are meant to be kept inside and they only come out when its needed or when someone has a big month......very similar to emotions. LOL.

I'm an internalizer ( i made up that word) but that doesn't mean I'm afraid to share my emotions or anything like that. Its quite the opposite. I'm not afraid to feel a certain way about things or feel differently than others. Nor am i afraid to speak what's on my mind regardless of whether it'll be accepted not. I just feel like I'd rather keep it all inside until it makes sense to me before blurting it out because i don't like unnecessary drama and stress in my life. Like i said earlier i follow my own beat at my own pace regardless of what's around me. I feel like i have an interesting view on life and a sometimes convoluted mind, from time to time things are black and white to me but most times things are gray because most of life is full of gray areas. Nothing is ever certain or sure... just like the quote by French author, Rochefoucauld, "the only thing constant in life is change" and I'm embracing it all.

There's going to be a lot going on in my life soon and i want to be able to document it all and be able to look back at things. I'm about to go in Co-op to Greece, my first time abroad by myself. YAY!!!!! So this is going to be like a video/picture/everything blog. Its also going to be a chance for me to prove to myself and my family that I'm well on my way to becoming my own person in the world. Hopefully by the end of this my parents will stop seeing a little girl and finally see a woman....because its about time they see me for who i am. Also i hope to grow leaps and bounds and experience sooo many new and wonderful things abroad. I mean what's the purpose of travelling to a new country and immersing yourself in a new culture if you're not going to try a couple of new things. Feta cheese, Gyros, Greek yogurt and many other things here i come!!!!!!!!!!!

Btw, not everyone is going to be privy to all my entries because i am a private person, so if i do let you in feel very special!!! =)